Under the auspices of the Dean of the College; Assist. Prof. Dr. Saeed Omer Ibrahim, the 3rd workshop of the “Multidisciplinary workshops on Saturdays” was held under the name of (Simulations of Nanomaterials) in Abdulla Hadad Hall on Saturday, January 18, 2020. The workshop was started with well come speed of both the dean of college Assist. Prof. Dr. Saeed Omer Ibrahim and the head of chemistry department Assist. Prof. Adil Hamed Ebrahim. During the program, three presentations were presented by Proff. Dr. Mustafa Saeed Omer and Dr. Suad N. Mohiaedin about Principle of nanoscience and nanotechnology, melting of nanostructures and Simulation of nanomaterials. The presentations were mainly focusing of theoretical and practical training on three important aspects and applications of nanoscience and …..