The Electrical Resistivity method using a terrameter
Geo-electrical methods are applied to map the resistivity structure of the underground. The electrical resistivity method is one of the most useful techniques in groundwater hydrology exploration because the resistivity of a rock is very sensitive to its water content. In turn, the resistivity of water is very sensitive to its ionic content. Rock resistivity […]
Workshop: An international workshop of Mathematics and Physics with their Applications.
Period: 3-4, October, 2018. Venue: Mathematics Conference Hall, College of Science/Salahaddin University-Erbil. Introduction: In this workshop, both Dr.Rashid Zaare Nahadi and Dr.Ali Najafi from “Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran (IASBS)” with some of our university academic staffs will present some interesting seminars. The seminar title for Dr.Rashid is “Minimal model problem […]