On Monday 2025-02-10 at 10:30 a.m., a workshop entitled ” *Peace، Justice and Strengthening Academic Institutions , was held in dr.Khalid Saeed’s hall at the Faculty of Law، Salahaddin University_ Erbil .The workshop was carried out with the presence of Prof. Dr. Bakhtiar Sabir Bayz(the dean )، Asst.Prof. Dr. Qasim Hashim Mahmoud (Dean’s assistant)، Dr. Ali Taha Akram (Head of Law Department )and number of instructors and students of the Faculty.The topics of the workshop were as follows:

1.First Topic :It was about “National Constitutions and Peace building ” and was presented by Mr. Prof.Dr. Sanger Hamid Barzinji.

2.Second Topic: It was about “Collaboration between Universities and the Government” which was presented by Dr. Alan Bahauddin Madris.

3.Third Topic:It was about “Governing Guidlines” presented by Dr. Shaho Ghafoor.

4.The Fourth Topic:it was about ” The Relationship between the Proportion of Graduates in Law and Civil Enforcement ” and was presented by Dr. Solin Mohammed.

It is worth mentioning that the workshop was moderated by Dr Imad Fattah Ismail.

The workshop was enriched with discussions ، questions and suggestions by the audience .

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