Understanding Gender between Realities and Challenges

Full Name: Prof. Dr. Juan Ismail Bakr

Academic Title: College of Arts, Department of Sociology, Salahaddin

University- Erbil – Kurdistan Region/Iraq

Specialization in sociology

Detailed specialty: Social Psychology

Email: ([email protected])

Title of the seminar: Understanding Gender between Realities and Challenges

Related SDGs:


In this discussion, we will explore the concept of gender, which consists of a set of social roles and cultural expectations that shape male and female identities. Understanding gender varies across societies and is influenced by cultural and historical factors.

We will examine the differences between gender and biology, as well as the challenges individuals face due to societal expectations. Additionally, we will analyze the impact of gender on daily life and available opportunities.

Particular focus will be given to Kurdish society, assessing the most significant changes and challenges it faces. We will also explore the cultural and social boundaries that are currently accepted or rejected.

Finally, we will present suggestions regarding the influential factors and possible solutions to this issue.