“Aspects of integration between sustainable development and biodiversity

Title of the seminar: “Aspects of integration between sustainable development and biodiversity”
By: Assistant Prof. Rizgar Muhammed Othman Hanaraiy - Dep. of Geography - Collage of Arts
Date and duration: 12/2/2025, (1 Hour)
Place: Farhadi Hall - Collage of Arts
Related SDGs: Goal 15: LIFE ON LAND
Biodiversity represents a significant part of our planet’s wealth and serves as a fundamental pillar of the development process. Its loss threatens to reverse many of humanity’s hard-won development gains. This presentation aims to highlight the key aspects of integrating sustainable development with biodiversity conservation.It is evident that economic development can lead to environmental problems and biodiversity loss if environmental protection is not prioritized, as it increases pressure on natural ecosystems. However, the concept of sustainable development promotes progress that is closely linked to biodiversity conservation, ensuring environmental, economic, and social integration. The goal is to rationalize the use of natural resources based on the principle of sustainability.