Title of the seminar: “Role and importance of environmental media in the Kurdistan Region” By: Assistant Prof. Dr. Sadiq Hama Gharib – Media Dep. - Collage of Arts Date and duration: 26/2/2025, (1 Hour) Place: Farhadi Hall - Collage of Arts Related SDGs: Goal 15: LIFE ON LAND Abstract: Environmental specialist media is a vital tool in enhancing environmental awareness and contributing to the protection of natural resources in the Kurdistan Region. With the increase in environmental challenges such as climate change, desertification, and pollution, this type of media has become a more important role in directing society and decision makers towards sustainable environmental practices. The basic role of environmental media in Kurdistan: 1. Spreading environmental awareness: Environmental media contributes to raising public awareness about environmental risks and the importance of preserving natural resources. 2. Directing public opinion: Through media reports and investigations, environmental media helps form public opinion supportive of environmental issues. 3. Monitoring the performance of institutions: The media highlights the performance of government and private institutions with regard to environmental protection, which contributes 4. Promoting a culture of sustainability: It encourages the adoption of environmentally friendly practices, such as recycling and rationalizing water and energy consumption. Objectives: 1. Highlighting the importance of environmental media in spreading environmental awareness and enhancing societal responsibility towards environmental issues in the Kurdistan Region. 2. Analyze the role of specialized media in directing public opinion and environmental policies through various media platforms. 3. Discuss the challenges facing environmental media, such as lack of specialization and scarcity of reliable content. 4. Identifying strategies to enhance environmental media and make it more influential on society and decision makers. Results: 1. Environmental media in the region is still not fully exploited, despite the urgent need to enhance environmental awareness due to increasing environmental challenges. 2. The lack of specialists in the environmental field leads to poor quality of environmental media content. 3. Media coverage of environmental issues in the region is insufficient and often focuses on emergency events rather than sustainable awareness. 4. Cooperation between the media and environmental institutions is weak, which limits the delivery of accurate scientific information to the public. Recommendations: 1. Training journalists and media professionals on environmental issues and providing specialized educational programs in environmental media. 2. Strengthening partnerships between media outlets and environmental organizations to ensure the provision of accurate and scientifically based content. 3. Create specialized digital media platforms to increase environmental awareness and encourage the public to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors. 4. Establishing media policies that support environmental media, such as allocating television and radio programs about the environment.
في يوم الاربعاء (26-2-2025) الساعة (11) صباحاً في قاعة (فرهادي) أقيمت ندوة للسيد (الأستاذ صادق حماغرب) بعنوان ((دور وأهمية الإعلام البيئي في إقليم كوردستان)). وفي الندوة سلط الضوء على دور وأهمية الإعلام بشكل عام في العالم وكردستان، ثم أشار إلى أنواع ومستويات الإعلام البيئي وضرورة وجوده في إقليم كوردستان. وتحدث أيضاً بالتفصيل عن كيفية عمل الإعلام البيئي، حتى يمكن إعطاء المزيد من الوعي البيئي للمواطنين، وفي نفس الوقت على الجهات ذات العلاقة أن تكون أكثر وعياً بمخاطر التلوث البيئي، والتوصل إلى بيئة صحية في إقليم كوردستان.