About College

College of Education

College of Education was established in (1976-1977) in Sulaimaniah as a college within
University of Sulaimaniah. Initially this college comprised two joint departments (Biology
and Chemistry as one department as well as Physics and Mathematics as one another
department). In its first academic year, college of education admitted (210) students. These
joint departments later in the year of (1978-1979) were split into four independent separate
departments. The first cohort of graduates was in (1979-1980) which was (133) male and
female students. In (1981-1982) this college was transferred to Erbil city and was linked to
Salahaddin University. For two years this college used study halls and laboratories of
College of Science of Salahaddin University. In the academic year of (1983-1984) in this
current campus three departments were added (Arabic Language, Kurdish Language and
Educational Psychology). About 15 years later in (1999-2000) Computer department was
opened in this college which was followed by English department in the next year. Thus,
College of Education grew fast to include nine departments.

In (2004-2005) the social science departments were separated from College of Education to
form a new college which were later in (2012-2013) merged again with the other colleges
under the same name (College of Education). In this same year six new departments were
added to this college: four in the town of Shaqlawa which were (Biology, Physics, Kurdish
Language and Arabic Language), and two ones in the town of Makhmur which were
(Kurdish and Arabic languages). Thus, the number of the departments reached (15)
altogether. In (2014), however, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
decided to separate both the Shaqlawa and Makhmur departments from College of
Education and convert them into two separate new colleges. Another new department
(Syriac Language) in (2016) was added to College of Education under the administrative
order number (2/2/215) in (5/9/2016) following the University order (1/1/8062) in
(1/9/2016). Today, College of Education has (10) departments (Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Mathematics, Arabic Language, Educational and Psychological Counselling,
Special Education, Kurdish Language, English Language, Syriac Language).
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