On November 5th, 2024, Ass.Prof.Dr. Farhad Ahmed Mohammad, Geochemistry Geologist, delivered a seminar on the geochemical comparison between the carbonates of Pila Spi Formation and those of Conglomerate unit separating it from Gercus Formation, Kurdistan Region northeastern Iraq. at Salahaddin University-Erbil/College of Science/ Earth Sciences and Petroleum Department.
The session focused on geochemical comparison between the carbonates of Pila Spi Formation and those of Conglomerate unit separating it from Gercus Formation based on scientific principles, ensuring efficiency and reliability.
It also emphasizes the geochemical comparison and similarity between two carbonates of Pila Spi Formation and those of Conglomerate unit separating it from Gercus Formation, which belongs to SDGs 7 and 14.
aligning with the objectives of Conference (GeoKurdistan VI), This event contributed to raising awareness and fostering academic discussions on Study detail geochemistry of the carbonate rocks of the Pila Spi Formation and those of conglomerate siliciclastic unit separating it from Gercus Formation as attempting to investigate the source of carbonate pebbles then clarifying the contact relation of the conglomerate unit with Pila Spi and Gercus formations Speaker and presenting seminar.