The present study includes two experiments, in the first experiment quail birds feed dried garlic powder (were the birds fed six different diets of additives , T1: control, T2: 3% lipids, T3: 2% garlic, T4: 2% garlic+ 3% lipid, T5: 4% garlic and T6: 4% garlic + 3% lipid) and in the second experiment quail birds feed powder green tea (were quails also fed six different diets of additives, T1: control, T2: 3% lipids, T3: 1% green tea, T4: 1% green tea + 3% lipid, T5: 2% green tea and T6: 2% green tea + 3% lipid) to study the effect of garlic and green tea powder on productive, reproductive, serum biochemical parameters, hormonal, histopathological change in liver and ovary with some of the meat amino acidic contents in the local Kurdish quails. The experiment was carried out at Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Salahaddin University-Erbil during the period from 15 June /2020 to 12 January /2022, this period included field experimental (4 months) and laboratory work. To analyze the data for quail’s traits, the PROC GLM procedure SAS, (2004) was utilized with unequal CRD. The results showed significant and numerical superiority of quails fed 4% of garlic in egg weight, feed intake, hen day egg production (HDEP), hot and cold carcass, dressing %, egg mass, egg albumen weight, yolk weight, Haugh unit, and egg shell hardness in comparison with other groups. While the statistical results showed significant superiority of the birds fed 1% of green tea powder in hot and cold carcass weight, average egg weight, albumen weight, yolk weight, yolk color, and have the lowest feed intake/week, while the number of eggs produced per week, feeds intake per week, and HDEP in the control groups were significantly higher than that of the other groups.
A significant improvement in the blood lipid profile in favor of quail birds fed on rations containing dried garlic powder, as the highest value for serum total cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) was found in the treatment of birds fed on high lipids, while the highest values of HDL were in the treatments groups fed different levels of garlic powder. Regarding serum parameters related to liver function, the results found a significantly higher concentration of the aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and
alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes in a group of birds fed with a high lipid diet in comparison with control and other groups, while birds fed with added garlic 2% and 4% attenuated the AST and ALT enzymes to the lower value and near to the control group. Also, the lower value of the alkaline phosphatase was observed in quail groups fed with 2% and 4% garlic supplemented with the diet. Regarding the serum biochemical parameters related to kidney function, the group of birds fed with high lipid diet+2% garlic and high lipid diet+4% garlic showed significantly lower value of uric acids in comparison with the control and other groups.
Also a significant improvement in the blood lipid profile in favor of quail birds fed rations containing green tea powder, as the lowest value for total cholesterol, TG, LDL, VLDL, and the highest values of HDL were in the treatments of birds fed different levels of green tea powder. The lowest values for total cholesterol, TG, VLDL, and blood nitrogen were recorded for birds of the treatment fed 2% of green tea powder. The birds fed with green tea showed a lower concentration of the blood urea, blood urea nitrogen, ALT enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin compared with the control and 3% lipid diet groups. The highest levels of ghrelin, thyroxine (T4), and luteinizing hormone (LH), hormones were recorded for quail birds fed with 2% garlic powder. Birds fed on high
lipid diet showed higher concentrations of leptin and growth hormone, while the higher value of follicle stimulation hormone (FSH) was seen in a high lipid and 4% garlic supplemented diet. But in the second experimental results showed that there were significant differences among the six treatment birds in the level of serum hormones, as the highest level of (estradiol), (Ghrelin, leptin, FSH), (T4), and (Growth and LH) were recorded for the control birds, 3% lipid and 1% green tea and 2% green tea with 3% lipid, respectively. The results showed the liver of birds fed control diets free fatty deposits and the histology of the liver is in the normal state, but the sections of the liver of quail birds fed 3% of the lipids showed different abnormal histological changes including the appearance of prominent dilation and congestion in the blood vessels inside the liver, fatty change, vacuolated cytoplasm due to the deposition of fat in the liver inside the liver cell, which indicates a reversible injury and erythrocyte and inflammatory cells infiltration. The histological section of the quail birds fed 2% and 4% of garlic
powder showed that they were normal compared to the group of birds fed 3% of lipids. Quails fed 2% garlic powder with 3% lipids, showed the appearance of prominent dilatation and congestion of the blood vessels within the livers and fatty change, vacuolated cytoplasm due to lipid deposition in the liver within hepatocytes which indicate reversible injury. Also, the quail birds fed 4% of garlic powder with 3% lipids show the prominent dilatation and congestion of the blood vessels within the liver with RBC and fatty change, vacuolated cytoplasm due to lipid deposition in the liver within hepatocytes which indicate reversible injury. The histological results
of the effect of garlic on the ovaries of the birds fed on the control diet showed the presence of the primitive, primary, and secondary follicles, while the cystic enlarged follicle and fatty cells were found in the ovaries of quails fed on 3% of the lipids. The ovaries of quails fed 2% and 4% of garlic showed that the ovaries contain both
primary and secondary follicles and it is in the normal case. Also, the ovaries of birds fed 2% garlic with 3% lipids and birds fed 4% garlic powder with 3% lipids indicate the presence of cystic enlarged follicles with atretic follicles. While the histological part of the effect of green tea on the liver showed there were no fatty deposits and the histology of the liver is in the normal state in the control group. The sections of the liver in the group of quail birds fed a diet added to it 3% of the lipids showed different abnormal histological changes including the appearance
of prominent dilatation and congestion of the blood vessels within the liver, fatty change, vacuolated cytoplasm due to lipid deposition in the liver within hepatocyte which indicate reversible injury, red blood cell and mix inflammatory cell infiltration. Also, the histological section of the quail birds of the group fed a ration supplemented with 1% and 2% of green tea powder showed that they were normal compared to the group of birds fed 3% of lipids. The histological results of the green tea effect on the ovaries of the birds showed that the birds fed on the control diet showed the presence of the primitive, primary, and secondary follicles, while the
cystic enlarged follicle and fatty cells were found in the ovaries of quail birds fed on 3% of the lipids. The quails fed 1% and 2% green tea showed that the ovaries contain both primary and secondary follicles. The sections of the ovaries of birds fed 1% green tea powder with 3% lipids indicate the presence of cystic enlarged follicles
with primary and secondary follicles and birds fed 2% green tea powder with 3% lipids showed the presence of cystic enlarged follicles with the atretic follicle. The highest tryptophan contents in the meat of quails were recorded in birds fed 4% of dried garlic powder and the control group, while the lowest value was recorded
of quails fed 4% of garlic powder with 3% of lipids. Also, highly significant differences in the cysteine content of quail meat were observed. The highest values were for quail birds fed 2% of garlic powder with 3% of lipids, and 2% garlic powder respectively compared cysteine content in high lipids and control group, while lower
cysteine content was recorded in birds fed 4% powder garlic. On the other hands quail birds fed on a ration supplemented with 1% green tea powder recorded significantly high content of tryptophan in their meat, while the lowest tryptophan content was in quail meat in the treatment fed on 3% of lipids. Also, there are highly
significant differences in the content of cysteine in quail’s meat, as the highest value was recorded in quail birds fed on 2% of green tea powder with 3% of lipids, followed by the treated birds fed on 1% of green tea powder with lower content of cysteine observed of quail fed on 1% green tea added to 3% lipids.
The birds fed on a ration supplemented with 4% garlic powder and 1% green tea showed a significantly lower value of Malondialdehyde (MDA), while the higher value was observed in the quail fed on 3% of lipids. We conclude from the obtained results that adding 4% of dried garlic powder and 1% of green tea powder had a
significant effect on most of the traits studied in the current study.