This study was conducted for microbiological and physiochemical properties of wastewater and well water at Jumka village, which is located southwest of Erbil city, it is one of some villages along the Erbil wastewater channel irrigated their lands by untreated wastewater and well water for growing and producing various vegetables, in order to provide Erbil markets by fresh vegetables. Therefore, this investigation was conducted to evaluate the possibilities of harmful effects of using wastewater for irrigation on the environment and human health by determination and detection of microorganisms in different samples (wastewater and plant) collected in Jumka village during three seasons (winter, spring, and autumn) 2021-2022.
In this study, we used some methods for the biological study of Bacteria and parasites such as the Modified bailenger method to count parasites, Microscopic and Conventional methods to the identification of it. but for the Bacterial study, we chose the most probable number for counting Bacteria and VITEK® 2 system to the identification of Bacteria. Also, for the analysis of water and vegetable samples, we take several important factors such as (pH, EC, DO, BOD5, TDS, NO2, NO3, NH3, and PO4).
Results of physiochemical parameters of wastewater show that: water and air temperature values were ranging between 11-26ºC and 7.5 -35 ºC. The pH and EC values ranged between 7.38- 7.82 and 887-962 µS.cm-1 respectively. The TDS ranged between 445-480 mg. l-1. Dissolved Oxygen concentrations were under detectable limits during the studied periods. While BOD5 ranged between 51.5-124.2 mg. l-1. Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, and reactive Phosphate ranged between 30.6-51.7 mg. l-1, 1.26-7.24 mg. l-1, 1.69-65 mg. l-1, and 5.25-15.35 mg. l-1 respectively. But the results of physiochemical for well water show that water and air temperature values were ranging between 10-27 oC and 10-35 ºC.
The pH and EC values ranged between 7.37-8.1 and 728-1119 µS.cm-1 respectively. The TDS ranged between 364-560 mg. l-1. Dissolved Oxygen concentrations were under detectable limits during the studied periods. And BOD5 ranged between 0.7-2 mg. l-1. Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, and reactive Phosphate ranged between 57.6-59.9 mg. l-1, 0.02-0.42 mg. l-1, 0.39-47.9 mg. l-1, and 0.85-7.05 mg. l-1 respectively.
For biological analyses, the helminths and protozoa identified in water samples and vegetable Cress (Lepidium sativum), the parasites identified during the study period were Ascaris lumbricoides(egg), Schistosoma spp. (egg), Entamoeba spp. (cyst), (trophozoid), Isospora belli (oocyste), Giardia spp.(cyst), Fasciola spp., Cryptosporidium (oocysts).
The results of the bacterial analysis demonstrated that the value of total coliform bacteria in Erbil wastewater, well water, vegetable irrigated by wastewater, and well water for the dry season were 16×104, 62, 82×102, and 29×102 CFU.100ml-1 respectively. While, the results for the wet season Erbil wastewater, well water, vegetables irrigated by wastewater, and well water were found to be 48×104, 36, 1100×103, and 930 CFU.100ml-1 respectively.
The value of fecal coliform bacteria in Erbil wastewater, well water, vegetable irrigated by wastewater, and well water for dry season 94×103, 62, 33×102, and 15×102 CFU.100ml-1 respectively. While, the fecal coliform values for wet season the wastewater, well water, vegetable irrigated by wastewater, and well water were 765×104, 36, 374×104, and 605×102 CFU.100ml-1 respectively.
The values for total streptococci bacteria of wastewater and vegetable wastewater samples were found from the dry season 16×102 and 410×102 CFU.100ml-1 respectively. However, the values for streptococci bacteria of wastewater and vegetable samples found from the wet season were 320×102 and 133×102 CFU.100ml-1 respectively.
On the other hand, the values of fecal streptococci bacteria in the wet season from wastewater, vegetable irrigated by wastewater were found to be 220×102 and 412×102 CFU.100ml-1 respectively.
However, the values of fecal streptococci bacteria in dry season wastewater and vegetable irrigated by wastewater samples were found to be 16×102 and 16×102 CFU.100ml-1 respectively.
The 12 bacterial isolates were selected for identification using VITEK®2 Systems.Results revealed that all 12 isolates belonged to the family Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, Staphylococcaceae and Vibrionaceae. The bacteriological analysis identified; E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, Enterobacter cloacae, E. aerogenes, Klebsiella oxytoca., K. pneumoniae, K. ozaenae, Aeromonas sobria, A. salmonicida, Gemella bergeri, Vibrio fluvialis.
A very low concentration of DO in the Erbil wastewater indicates highly polluted water, Analysis of the wastewater showed that values of EC were higher than recommended standard for irrigation use, according to EPA Guidelines for BOD5 Erbil wastewater is not suitable for irrigation purposes.