7th International Conference on Applied Science, Energy, and Environment (January 28–30, 2025)

At this conference, Professor Dalshad Azeez Darwesh, a lecturer at Salahaddin University’s College of Science, Environmental Science, and Health Department, presented on “Impacts of Landfill leachate on soil quality in Kani-Qrzhala landfill area Erbil City and using biochar as remediation agent.”

The session focused on assessing the effects of landfill leachate on soil contamination, nutrient depletion, and microbial activity. The research also explored potential remediation strategies using both natural and engineered agents to restore soil health and reduce environmental damage.

This study supports the Life on Land objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), addressing soil degradation, waste management, and sustainable land use. The event helped raise awareness and promoted academic discussions on environmental remediation, pollution control, and sustainable waste management.

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