Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and the Environment in the Kurdistan Region which is belong to SDG13 or Research on climate action and SDG14 or Maintaining a local ecosystem

On 20th February 2025, a workshop on Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and the Environment in the Kurdistan Region will be held at Salahaddin University-Erbil/College of Science/Earth Sciences and Petroleum Department. The workshop will feature a series of four seminars and a panel discussion, focusing on the scientific methodologies used to evaluate climate change’s effects on air quality, groundwater, surface water, and drought analysis in the region. Experts and researchers will discuss adaptation strategies and sustainable management approaches to mitigate environmental challenges. This workshop aligns with the objectives of SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 14 (Maintaining a Local Ecosystem) as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aims to raise awareness and foster academic discussions on climate resilience, water sustainability, and ecosystem protection.

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