The limestone of the Jeribe Formation in the Bekhair anticline, Duhok Governorate, was assessed as raw material for the ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) industry. Four sections were selected from a part of the anticline, two for each limb. The formation consists of marly limestone, crystallized limestone, dolomitic limestone, fractured limestone, a marl layer from ten centimeters to one meter, and a one-meter red mudstone as a marker bed. The petrographic study revealed that calcite is the predominant mineral in the limestone rocks of this formation. Calcite grains range in size from 0.1 to 0.23 mm. Fine-grained quartz is dispersed throughout the rock. Dolomitization and clay minerals result in a minor amount of dolomite in some stained thin sections with an alizarin red solution. Clay minerals are in low content and do not form a coating around mineral crystals. The physical tests indicate that most studied samples had less than 5% porosity. Only two samples from the Q-section had a porosity of more than 5%, and these two samples had more moisture content than the other samples. The mechanical test showed that the compressive strength values of 12 core samples ranged from 168 kg/cm2 to 1291 kg/cm2, with an average of 553 kg/cm2. Except for core sample Zt-1, all other values match Chatterjee’s standard range of limestone. Physical and mechanical tests indicate that these rocks are easy to crush and grind during the preparation of the mixture. The chemical analysis of raw materials revealed that the mean content of CaO is 51.77%, which dominates over other oxides, including MgO (2.06%), SiO2 (1.95%), Al2O3 (0.60%), and Fe2O3 (0.22%), while the remaining oxides (K2O, Na2O, TiO2, MnO, P2O5, and SO3) are considered as low contents; all are within the standard range for cement raw materials and are suitable for the cement industry. At the northern limb, dolomitic limestone layers less than one-meter-thick cause a slight increase in the proportion of MgO, but they have no effect on its average in the mixture. The limestone of the Jeribe Formation in the study area is pure and is classified as high-grade limestone in the cement industry. Due to its high lime saturation factor (LSF) and low silica and alumina contents, it cannot be used alone in manufacturing high-quality clinker. When LSF was calculated, its average was more than one hundred. For this reason, claystone from the Fatha Formation was added to the mixture to lower the quantity of LSF and improve SR and AR to meet standard specifications. In this study, LSF (90, 92, 94, 96, and 98) were utilized to calculate the proportion of raw mixtures’ composition. Using LSF 90, 92, and 94 to calculate raw mix (J), the ratio of (C3S) was below the acceptable range, whereas the ratio of (C2S) was above the permissible limit. When calculating the raw mix (J) with LSF 96, the ratio of (C3S) to (C2S) was within an acceptable range. However, when using LSF 98, it was found that these percentages are better than with LSF 96, and the strength of the cement will be higher. As a result, it depended on LSF (98) to compute the proportion of the raw mixture’s composition, clinker composition, parameters, phases, and properties were conformable and within acceptable ranges. According to the results of the analyses, the best mixtures of limestone ranged between (65.9 and 69.3%) and claystone ranged between (30.7 and 34.1%) in the study area are of good quality and meet the requirements of international standards for ordinary Portland cement.