DSC 0001
Workshop: An international workshop of Mathematics and Physics with their Applications.

Period: 3-4, October, 2018. Venue: Mathematics Conference Hall, College of Science/Salahaddin University-Erbil. Introduction: In this workshop, both Dr.Rashid Zaare Nahadi and Dr.Ali Najafi from “Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran (IASBS)” with some of our university academic staffs will present some interesting seminars. The seminar title for Dr.Rashid is “Minimal model problem […]

Workshop: WAMS

Iterative Methods for solving the boundarys data reconstruction problems Date:-18  -29 Dec 2016 Place:- Mathematics Department, College of Science, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region-IRAQ. Speakers Abdeljalil Nachaoui Laboratoire de Mathématiques JeanLeray, Université de Nantes, France Abdelkrim ChakibDepartment of Mathematics, University ofSultan Moulay Sliman Beni Mellal, Morocco Fatima M. AboudDepartment of mathematics, College ofSciences, University of Diyala, […]

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