March 2017 workshop

Topics in algebraic number theory and Diophantine approximation Date:   (12th  – 22nd) March, 2017 Place: Mathematics Department, College of Science, Salahaddin  University/Erbil-Kurdistan Region/IRAQ. Sponsored by   CIMPA  &     Salahaddin University/ Erbil                                  The registration is halted   Lecturers Michel Waldschmidt Emeritus Professor, Universit´e P. […]

March 2017 workshop

Topics in algebraic number theory and Diophantine approximation Date:   (12th  – 22nd) March, 2017 Place: Mathematics Department, College of Science, Salahaddin  University/Erbil-Kurdistan Region/IRAQ. Sponsored by   CIMPA  &     Salahaddin University/ Erbil                                  The registration is halted   Lecturers Michel Waldschmidt Emeritus Professor, Universit´e P. […]

Mathematics Seminars and Workshops

Topics in algebraic number theory and Diophantine approximation Date:   (12th  – 17th ) March, 2017 Place: Mathematics Department, College of Science, Salahaddin  University/Erbil-Kurdistan Region/IRAQ. Sponsored by   CIMPA  &     Salahaddin University/ Erbil                                  The registration is halted   Lecturers Michel Waldschmidt Emeritus Professor, Universit´e P. […]

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