This study includes two aspects; the first aspect includes epidemiological study for the head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis among pupils was conducted on the 22 randomly selected primary schools in the center of Erbil City. For this purpose, a total of 1082 pupils (430 boys and 652 girls) were examined from first to sixth stage (age ≥6 years old) from 1st October 2020 to 31th May 2021. The results revealed an overall prevalence of infestation of 25.5% (276/1082). Theis study reveals the existence of a significant relationship (P < 0.05) between age group, gender, education levels of parents, longevity of hair, hair washing frequency, hair combing condition, sleeping habitat and head lice infestation. There is no significant relationship (P < 0.05) existence related to density of students in classroom, hair type and head lice infestation.
The second aspect included molecular analysis (using universal primer of CYTB and 16S rRNA) by conventional PCR with some pharmacutical nano-application related to P. humanus capitis and their overlapping bacteria. BLASTN results showed that the query sequences were 97.72% similar to Pediculus humanus capitis with the E. value of 5e-129. All isolated sequences were recorded in GenBank from NCBI under the accession number, OL684637. OL684638 OL684639 OL684640 and OL684641. On the other hand, isolated sequences were successfully aligned with the clade A, haplotype A5 (identity percentage is 97%) which was consider as a first molecular investigation for the determination of the type of genetic diverse group in Iraq. Phylogenetic tree was constructed among different head lice haplotypes taken from NCBI with a significant bootstrap value between 40-99% and the results appear that the isolated sequences (Taxa: OL684637) was located at position clade A and make a sister group with previously isolated haplotype A5 (KM579547.1) with the bootstrap value of 72% and both A57 and A61 with a bootstrap value of 97% in addition to investigation of its phylogenetic close relationship with African mitochondrial genetic diverse group, clade D haplotypes , D62, D67 and D75 (bootstrap value = 82%) which they consider the first attempt for this finding. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) secondary structure of both isolated sample sequences and reference haplotype A5 sequence of the head lice were closely similar in types of loops while relatively close in number of loops, thermodynamic energy and the RNA folding stability. This minor difference were related to genetic change of the isolated local sequences.
The results of BLASTN and sequence similarity (using 16S rRNA gene), confirm the identification of three genus of bacteria from the head lice including, Acinetobacter gyllenbergii, Citrobacter freundii and Lysobacter oculi with the sequence similarity of 95.19%, 100% and 100% respectively. All of them were submitted to the GenBank and recorded under the accession number, ON505830, ON126007, ON505828 respectively. Phylogenetic tree topology supported the relationship between Acinetobacter gyllenbergii and both Acinetobacter gyllenbergii strain 8T (accession number = KR006239.1 ) and Acinetobacter gyllenbergii strain PL40(4) (accession number = MF449171.1) with a significant bootstrap value of 90% and the substitution matrix revealed the expected value between 6.45% as minimum value and 11.37% as maximum while for Citrobacter freundii, result showed that it makes a sister groups with Citrobacter freundii, strain 1109-3-F1( (Accession number = LT160763.1) with a significant bootstrap value of 93% and its substitution matrix revealed the expected value between 4.52% as minimum value and 16.61% as maximum value. Finally, phylogenetic tree of Lysobacter oculi demonstrated that the isolated sequence makes a sister groups with Lysobacter oculi strain 83-4 (Accession number = NR_165778.1) and uncultured bacterium clone GI8-sp-E11( Accession number = GQ129910.1) with the bootstrap value of 88% and its substitution matrix revealed the expected value between 3.74% as minimum value and 17.26% as maximum and it indicated that L. oculi nucleic acid contain high G+C content (57.9%). All three isolated bacteria consider as a first isolation from the head lice in Iraq.
Multi-nanoparticles (Cd, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cu, Co, Mn and Ag) were identified from Henna leafs, Lawsonia inermis (with sizes less than 60 nanometres and by around 80%) then applied to nits and lice isolated bacteria. The results appeared that those particles can penetrate nit shell wall and reach to the embryo followed by retarding in its development and inhibit it. Utilized nano particle play a strong role in the eradication and inhibition of the lice isolated bacteria. No previous studies were recorded related to estimation of the phyto-multinanoparticles of Lawsonia inermis as antilice and antibacteria in Iraq.