Current study included investigation of heavy metals and pesticides in some Vegetables of local markets in Erbil, because these chemicals may have significant impacts on human health due to their toxicity and potential to accumulate in the body over the time. Different Vegetables such as Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon), Eggplant (Solanum melongena), Cucumber (Cucumis sativus), and Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) were collected in Erbil city from different source locally and imported from nearby country in two sampling program episodes of collection during harvesting periods of June and September 2022 from plastic houses situated in Erbil city near Gird Azaban farm and from local markets.
The heavy metal concentration (cooper, zinc, lead and cadmium) was measured and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrophotometry, and pesticides were measured by Gas Chromatography and Gas chromatography mass spectrometer.
The study showed that Lead had a Bio concertation factor (BCF) ranged between 1.354 mg/kg (Bell pepper) and 1.56 mg/kg (Eggplant) which is a highest value among heavy metals in the Vegetables. The accumulation of this metal is likely due to the soil contamination.
Copper (Cu) levels were ranged between 0.92 and 56.25 mg/Kg with highest levels in imported eggplants from Turkey; moreover, all other samples were below the standard limit of 73.3 mg/Kg remained below the safe limits prescribed by the FAO/WHO.
Zinc (Zn) concentrations were fluctuated from 4 to 74.94 mg/Kg. Harir city/Erbil tomatoes were characterized to be highly contaminated with Zn among local vegetable samples. All other samples remained below safe limit of 99.4 mg/Kg.
Lead (Pb) values were varied from 6.49 to 27.95mg/Kg and exceeding FAO/WHO maximum permissible limit of 0.3mg/Kg because of excessive utilization of fertilizers, proximity to industries or use of pesticides.
Cadmium (Cd) values were ranged from 0.9 to 43mg/Kg and surpassing FAO/WHO safe limit of 0-0.5mg/Kg due to the fuels used in burning in plastics houses and being exist near main roads.
Most vegetable samples had Hazard Quotient (HQ) values greater than those allowed for Cu, Pb, and Zn suggesting a potential health risk to human populations on consumption. However, cadmium showed HQ values across all samples that were lower than unity.
Cadmium posed the highest carcinogenic risk among the metals considered in this study while lead displayed the lowest risk. The cumulative intake of these Vegetables implies cancer danger for consumers.
Cu and Zn showed moderate to strong correlation, whereas Pb had less or no significant correlation with other metals during the performing of this work.
Organophosphorus pesticides are used extensively in agriculture for pest control and accordingly pose considerable health risks as they inhibit acetylcholinesterase hence affecting nerve function. These pesticides may exist as residues on crops especially when applied close to harvest time which may result in contamination of Vegetables and Vegetables. In different samples, malathion was detected in the highest concentration levels particularly in cucumbers with concentration of 15.178 mg/Kg. Another pesticide ethion was predominantly found in eggplants while parathion that is highly toxic pesticide was detected among bell peppers (3.335 mg/Kg). The presence of these pesticides in food can lead to serious health issues, and their persistence in the environment can harm non-target species.
Chlorinated organic insecticides were greatly used but have since been banned due to their persistent in nature and its association with health issues. Residues of chlorinated pesticides were mostly not detected except for a chlorphenyls detected with a consternation of 2.041 mg/Kg in bell peppers 2 from Turkey, which was above the limits (0.05 mg/Kg) set by FAO and WHO.
PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) PCB residues were not found in any samples analyzed in this study which indicate that most of these compounds accumulate in fatty tissues rather than low fat content present in Vegetables.
Carbamate pesticides which are used for pest control measures on agricultural products were not detected in collected samples since they breakdown easily under environmental conditions thus lowering chances of residue detection on crops.
Pesticide health risk assessment undertaken in current study indicated the presence of high health risks in detected pesticides by some exceeded safe levels by thousands (464.76 times that should be below 100% for HI index).