Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical, biological and information sciences (including ecology, biology, physics, chemistry, plant science, zoology, mineralogy, limnology, soil science, geology and physical geography (geodesy), and atmospheric science to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems. Environmental studies incorporates more of the social sciences for understanding human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. Environmental scientists work on subjects like the understanding of earth processes, evaluating alternative energy systems, pollution control and mitigation, natural resource management, and the effects of global climate change. Environmental issues almost always include an interaction of physical, chemical, and biological processes. Environmental scientists bring a systems approach to the analysis of environmental problems. Key elements of an effective environmental scientist include the ability to relate space, and time relationships as well as quantitative analysis.Environmental sciences department came alive as a substantive, active field of scientific investigation in the 2008. The Department of Environmental Sciences started 1.1.2008 by joining together the Aquatic and Environmental Sciences and Environmental Ecology. The Department of Environmental Science runs basic and problem-oriented research within organic, chemical and physical connections in the environment and within economic, political and social conditions in the interaction between environment and society. The department carries out research-based consultancy for the public sector and provides research-based advice.We are about 200 employees and students. Together, we have an exciting and inspiring work and student life.Targets for Department of Environmental SciencesThe overall target for the Department of Environmental Sciences is to create a leading – and interdisciplinary – department measured on the basis of education and training, admission of students, number of PhD and M.Sc. students, scientific production and quality, socially relevant consultancy for the public sector, monitoring and satisfied employees, among others. The Department of Environmental Sciences runs basic and problem-oriented research which leads to a deeper recognition of organic, chemical and physical connections in the environment due to human impacts and recognition of economic, political and social relations in the interaction between environment and society.The Department of Environmental Science wants to be a bridgehead for Kurdistan within education in the metropolitan area. The goal is to create an international, strong and highly research-based learning environment for students at the master’s and the PhD level.

Dr. Mohammed Azeez Othman
Email: [email protected]