Seminar on the Geochemistry Study of Carbonate components in Barzewa and Barsarin Sections, Sargelu Formation, Kurdistan Region, Iraq which is belong to Conference International Conference on Applied Science, Energy and environment. (ICASEE).

On January 29th 2025, Ass. Prof. Dr. Farhad Ahmed Mohammad, Geochemistry Geologist, delivered a seminar on the Geochemistry Study of Carbonate components in Barzewa and Barsarin Sections, Sargelu Formation, Kurdistan Region, Iraq at Salahaddin University-Erbil/College of Science/ Earth Sciences and Petroleum Department.

 The session focused on mineralogy, and geochemistry (major oxides, trace and rare-earth elements), the Provenance, and situation of Depositional environments based on scientific principles, ensuring efficiency and reliability.

It also emphasizes the mineralogy, and geochemistry (major oxides, trace and rare-earth elements), the Provenance, and situation of Depositional environments, which belongs to SDGs 7 and 14.

aligning with the objectives of International Conference on Applied Science, Energy and environment  (ICASEE), This event contributed to raising awareness and fostering academic discussions on Study detail geochemistry of the carbonate rocks of in Barzewa and Barsarin Sections, Sargelu Formation, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. This research focuses on mineralogy, and geochemistry (major oxides, trace and rare-earth elements), Provenance, and situation of Depositional environments. At presenting seminar

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