Synthesis of Ultra Small Metal (Au and Ag) Nanoparticles by Pulse Laser Ablation Technique for Medical Applications.

Mrs. Sarwin presented a valuable seminar in our department about

Synthesis of Ultra Small Metal (Au and Ag) Nanoparticles by Pulse Laser Ablation Technique for Medical Applications. On 18/12/2024

She delivered a pre-viva seminar as part of her PhD program and discussed the significance of her research with the audience as follows:

The synthesis and evaluation of gold and silver nanoparticles by pulse laser ablation method with high purity in deionized water without the addition of any stabilizers.    Using them for biological systems presents promising opportunities for antibacterial and drag delivery due to their exceptional physical properties. Additionally, the study of bactericidal nanomaterials is particularly timely given the recent increase in new resistant strains of bacteria to the most potent antibiotics.

We found that the prepared (Ag NPs) exhibited strong activity against E. coli and S. aureus bacteria growth, which might be because Ag ions are highly toxic to microorganisms. Although, in our work we observed results of the investigation revealed that the (Au NPs) did not show any antibacterial effect against Gram-negative Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacteria, which might be attributed to the presence of thick layers of peptidoglycans present on the cell membrane.

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