A Training Course Organized by: BIORISK MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF KURDISTAN (BMIK) IN COLLABORATION WITH SALAHADDIN-ERBIL UNIVERSITY (IRAQI KURDISTAN) This BIORISK Awareness Training Course was a four days BRM Training implemented by Dr. Ari Q. NABI, the Head of the Biorisk Management Institute of Kurdistan (BMIK) In collaboration with College of Science of the Salahaddin-Erbil University. […]

Avin jamal abdullah

Abstract       In the present work, the stopping powers of alpha particle energies from near threshold energy to 10 MeV for light elements (37Li, 511B, 613C, 818O, 919F, 1022Ne,  1123Na, 1430Si) and medium elements (2145Sc, 2452Cr, 2657Fe, 2862Ni) have been calculated using the Zeigler formula.       The cross-sections of the nuclear reactions 37Li(a,n)510B, 511B(a,n)714N, 613C(a,n)816O, […]

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