Mardan Ameen Pirdawood

    ABSTRACTThroughout this thesis, we use some nonstandard concepts to studythe analyticity near the singularity. We analyzed and proved theexistence and uniqueness theorems for first order ordinary differentialequations in subset of the monad of the initial standard point.Then the solutions of the second order ordinary differential equation(Legendre Equation) are introduced around the singularity in […]

Mohammed Ismael Sadeeq

  Numerical Treatment of Whitham-Broer-Kaup Shallow Water Model   ABSTRACT This thesis presents numerical solution of Whitham-Broer-Kaup (WBK) shallow water model using some finite difference methods such as the explicit, implicit, Crank-Nicolson, exponential, Richardson, and DuFort-Frankel methods. The local truncation errors and consistency are also studied for these methods. Furthermore, the radial basis function-pseudospectral method is […]

Banaz Abdullah Hussein

The abstract of Effect of Different Factors on Rooting Ability and Shooting in Olive (Olea europaea L., cv. Dgel) Cuttings By Banaz Abdullah Hussein September/2016   The present study was carried out between 2014 and 2015in the Central Plant Nursery of Ainkawa, Erbil. The current study consisted of five greenhouse experiments using hardwood stem cuttings […]

Revan Kamaran Akram

  Palynofacies and Source Rock Evaluation of Baluti Formation (Late Triassic) in two selected wells, in Duhok Governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan Region. Abstract Palynofacies and petroleum potential of Baluti Formation (Late Triassic) were studied from the sum of 37 samples, which have been taken from two exploration wells Atrush-1 and Sheikhan-1B, near Duhok city, Iraqi Kurdistan […]

Saman Ahmed Bapir

ABSTRACT Beside using nonstandard analysis as independently developed field of mathematics in general and especially in mathematical Analysis, the using of nonstandard as techniques have more powerful for introducing and developing different concepts in mathematics. In this thesis, we use some concepts of nonstandard analysis given by A. Robinson, (Robinson, 1974) and axiomatized by E. […]

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