A Vehicular Ad hoc Network is a type of wireless Ad hoc network that essentially allows interconnectivity between vehicles. To enable a variety of traffic applications such as traffic safety and monitoring, an efficient routing and congestion control algorithms are needed. Exist routing algorithms has weaknesses in packet forwarding, optimum route establishment, network overhead and density. In addition, the probability of dissemination of safety messages when congestion happens is insufficient. Consequently, there is a pressing need to develop an efficient congestion control algorithm to utilize IEEE 802.11p channels more efficiently and an optimal routing algorithm.
This dissertation aims to develop an Adaptive Congestion Control Algorithm to adaptively and efficiently utilize the IEEE 802.11p channels. Proposed algorithm integrates the Laying Chicken Optimization Algorithm to optimally utilize the channels when the vehicle’s density increases. Furthermore, a mathematical model is derived to assure efficient utilization of the IEEE 802.11p channels. Enhanced Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing algorithm developed to forward data packet and establish an efficient route toward a specified destination.
Network simulator NS3 with Simulation of Urban Mobility is considered. Proposed congestion control improved broadcasting of safety messages by 40.65%, 31.30%, and broadcasting of beaconing rate by 41.66%, 39.65% when it compared with Dedicated short-range communication and Context Awareness Beacon Scheduling algorithms respectively. Routing algorithm that are suggested enhanced by 24.17%, 62.17%, and 71.72% in packet delivery ratio, and reduced the packet loss by 21.82%, 42.59%, and reducing the overhead to 70.45%, 94.49%, and 96.39, when it compared to the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing, Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing and Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing algorithms respectively.