The medical physicist : Role & right path in radiotherapy

Mr. Ryadth Saeed Ageed was delivered an insightful seminar in our department on

[The medical physicist : Role & right path in radiotherapy] on [18/11/2024].

The presentation acknowledges the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP 2024), aiming to inspire the next generation of professionals in the field.

The presentation outline

1-Role of medical physicists in radiotherapy, detailing their responsibilities in treatment planning, calibration, and quality assurance.


2-It traces the history of medical physics from Wilhelm Röntgen’s X-ray discovery, emphasizing their contribution to cancer treatment through technologies like LINAC, IMART, VMAT, and proton therapy.


3-Explores innovations such as AI integration and advanced imaging techniques.


4-Emphasizing the medical physicist’s role in interdisciplinary teams, ensuring effective and safe patient treatments.

it was well-received by attendees. We appreciate their valuable contribution and engaging discussion.

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