Optimization and Characterization Perovskite Solar Cells through Numerical and Experimental Layer Synthesis using various Techniques.

Mrs. Cinar presented a valuable seminar in our department about

Optimization and Characterization Perovskite Solar Cells through Numerical and Experimental Layer Synthesis using various Techniques.  On 19/12/2024.

She delivered a pre-viva seminar as part of her PhD program and discussed the significance of her research with the audience as follows:

The perovskite solar cell is a remarkable efficiency has the potential to greatly the benefit humanity and the methyl ammonium tin chloride (CH3NH3SnCl3) has been utilized in this context as the absorber materials to reduce toxicity. Furthermore, experimentally, the investigation of SnO2 thin films as ETL is of considerable interest owing to their distinctive and appealing characteristics, including excellent optical transmittance, uniformity, non-toxicity, elevated conductivity, chemical inertness, resistance to thermal degradation, mechanical reliability, piezoelectric capabilities, and cost-effectiveness. Copper plays an essential role in reducing nanocrystalline SnO2 particle sizes. In addition, the solvo-thermal technique is more impressive than co-precipitation in the synthesis of tin oxide nanostructure. The Cu-doped SnO2 using the solvo thermal technique had a higher current density and an open circuit voltage. It also had a higher power conversion efficiency when the sun simulator was the same. As well as, the performance of perovskite solar cells by using SCAPS-1D software was improved, using SnO2 as electron transport layers (ETLs) and records the highest potential to achieve high energy conversion (η) when combined with Spiro-OMeTAD as the HTLs. This development to enhance the performance of environmentally friendly lead-free solar cells using tin-based perovskite materials.

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