the Scientific Methodology for (Drilling Groundwater Wells and Their Sustainable Management) which is belong to SDG14 or Maintaining a local ecosystem

On 5th February 2025, Mr. Salam Hamadameen, Geologist, delivered a seminar on the Scientific Methodology for Drilling Groundwater Wells and Their Sustainable Management at Salahaddin University-Erbil/College of Science/ Earth Sciences and Petroleum Department. The session focused on the systematic approach used to locate, drill, and develop groundwater wells based on scientific principles, ensuring efficiency and reliability. It also emphasizes the sustainable management of these wells to maintain long-term water availability while minimizing environmental impact, aligning with the objectives of SDG14 or Maintaining a local ecosystem, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals. This event contributed to raising awareness and fostering academic discussions on groundwater or fresh water satiable management. Supporting documents, including photos from the seminar, are available for reference.

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