Towards a greener future: the role of bioplastic in reducing plastic pollution

In 3rd Nov.2024, Msc. Shaymaa Hashim Ahmed. An Assistant Lecturer in Department of chemistry. She shows the plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, with traditional plastics causing long-term harm to ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. Bioplastics, derived from renewable sources such as plants, offer a sustainable alternative by being biodegradable or compostable, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and minimizing environmental impact. This seminar highlights the potential of bioplastics to address plastic pollution, promote circular economies, and contribute to a greener future. It is crucial for raising awareness about sustainable materials and inspiring action toward reducing plastic waste. The seminar aligns with SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water).

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