Avin jamal abdullah
Abstract In the present work, the stopping powers of alpha particle energies from near threshold energy to 10 MeV for light elements (37Li, 511B, 613C, 818O, 919F, 1022Ne, 1123Na, 1430Si) and medium elements (2145Sc, 2452Cr, 2657Fe, 2862Ni) have been calculated using the Zeigler formula. The cross-sections of the nuclear reactions 37Li(a,n)510B, 511B(a,n)714N, 613C(a,n)816O, […]
Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed
Study of Heavy metal Accumulation in Soil and Some Plants in Erbil Governorate SUMMERY This study was conducted during dry season (October and September) 2015 to wet season (January and February) 2016, to study heavy metal accumulation in two plant species used for this purpose. Samples of topsoil and leaves of […]
Basud Mohammed Rasool
Proposed High Data Rate Coherent Optical OFDM WDM RoF System for Long Haul Transmission ABSTRACT The continuous demand for internet traffic has powered the increment in a claim for bandwidth and high data rates, using Radio over Fiber. This thesis focuses on the establishment and performance analysis of high data rate coherent optical […]
Ahmed Hassan Hamshen
Abstract This study focuses on the architecture modification of solution-processed methylammonium lead iodide ((CH3NH3)PbI3)-based planar perovskite solar cells. The modification is obtained through a facile and cheap step formation at low temperature (<100 °C) using a simple inexpensive spin-coating technique. (CH3NH3)PbI3, as a light harvesting layer, was sandwiched between zinc oxide nanoparticle (ZnO-NP) thin film […]
Heman Abdulqadr Smail
Summary Part I The objective of this part is to synthesize zeolites from low cost locally available silicon sources. These materials will have great potential as catalyst, ion-exchange and adsorbent. This is the first extensive study that has been conducted in the synthesis of zeolite in Kurdistan region of Iraq. Suitable silica sources for […]
Sardar Qader Othman
Summary In the present study, a newly exposure technique of radon gas (29055±691 Bq/m3) has been fabricated to study the effects of radon inhalation in the male albino rats. Seventy two rats had been used, which were housed under standard laboratory conditions (12 h light: 12 h dark of photoperiod), 22±4 ºC temperature) and […]
Abdullah Othman Hassan
Chromosomal Aberrations and CYP1A1 Gene Study in Workers Exposed to Some Chemical pollutants in Erbil City Summary In this study the exposed individuals were selected in order to determine the effect of chemical pollutants on their Chromosomes and CYP1A1 Gene. This Study included the targeted group of (72) individuals (48) from worker who exposed […]
Rawaz Rizgar Hassan
Assessment of 16s rRNA and Multiplex Real-Time PCR methods for the detection of some pathogenic bacteria in symptomatic septic patients SUMMARY There has been great interest in the development of new diagnostic methods able to speed up the process of determining presence of infection and identification of bacterial pathogens in patients with suspected […]
Adeeb Omer Jafir
Summary Seasonal measurement of natural radionuclides in drinking water and sediments in Darbandikhan lake water with their resources were carried out. During the period May, 2014 – February, 2015 a total of forty-one locations were selected for taking water and sediment samples in each season for the analysis of naturally occurring primordial radionuclides using spectrometry […]