Rezan Sabah Ahmed

                                   Summary This study was conducted to microbiological and physiochemical study of wastewater at  Turaq village, that is  located in southwest of Erbil city, it is one of the some villages along Erbil wastewater channel irrigated their lands by […]

Botan Jawdat Abdullah

Abstract This study characterizes the electronic, optical, elastic, and thermal properties of bulk and nanometric Si and ZrO2 materials through first-principles and theoretical calculations. The first part of this study presents an investigation of the physical properties, such as electronic and optical, of bulk Si and nanocrystals by using the first-principles method through pseudopotential density […]

Chiman Meerkhan Jawdat

Summary           Hyperthyroidism is a thyroid disease most common among women’s, in which thyroid gland is over activated and produce too much thyroid hormone. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of hyperthyroidism on endothelin-1 (ET-1) level, hemodynamic parameters and relationship between them. Renal and liver function tests were investigated, too. Furthermore, effects […]


Restricted Detour Polynomials of Some Graphs     ABSTRACT      The restricted detour distance  between two vertices  and  of a connected graph  is the length of a longest  path  in such that  The restricted detour polynomial of a graph ,denoted by  and defined as follows where the summation is taken over all unordered pairs  of vertices […]

Awat Yaseen Hassan

Summary Colorectal cancer (CRC) ranks third in prevalence worldwide for both men and women. In recent years, nitric oxide (NO) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas previously considered to be a potentially toxic chemical, has been established that have a role in cancer progression and prevention. The present investigation included two sets of the experiments, in […]

Rzgar Fariq Mahmood

Abstract     Logistic Regression Model (LRM) is considered as one of the most widely used statistical techniques for analyzing the relationship between variables with applications in different fields of research studies. Usually, the model seeks to predict the impact of one or several independent variables (predictor) on one dependent (categorical or response) variable through […]

Aveen Ali Surdashy

           Abstract  For the assessment of clay deposits for some ceramic industry, seven clay samples from different locations were collected by channel sampling method from Injana, Mukdadiyah, Bai Hassan Formations and Quaternary deposits in Bestana village, the study area is located east of Erbil city (NE Iraq).  The mineralogical study revealed […]

Hawar Anwar Zangana

Source Rock Evaluation and Reservoir Characterization of Early Jurassic Formations in Selected Wells, in Duhok Governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan Region   Abstract Three wells: Atrush-1 (AT-1), Shaikhan-1B (SH-1B) and Mangesh-1 from Atrush, Shaikhan, and Sarsang Oilfields respectively, in Duhok Governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan Region were selected for studying Source Rock and Reservoir Characterization of Early Jurassic Formations. […]

Fuad Othman Abdullah

A New Iridoid Dimer and Main Chemical Constituents From Pterocephalus nestorianus; Isolation, Spectroscopic Identification and Bioassay Screening   Summary   This investigation includes for the first time, as part of an ongoing research, a new chemical compound and main constituents isolated from P. nestorianus and bioassay evaluation. In fact, the finding of new chemical compounds […]

Bakhtyar Abdalla Mohammed

Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Quality and Quantity of Two Olive Cultivars in Kurdistan Region-Iraq Summary This study was conducted during the growing season 2015, to evaluate the effect of climate, soil and water properties on the growth and physiological properties of two olive cultivars (Sorani and Khudhairi( in Erbil, Halabja and Duhok governorates, […]

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