Adeeb Omer Jafir

Summary Seasonal measurement of natural radionuclides in drinking water and sediments in Darbandikhan lake water with their resources were  carried  out. During the period May, 2014 – February, 2015 a total of forty-one locations were selected for taking water and sediment samples in each season for the analysis of naturally occurring primordial radionuclides using   spectrometry […]

Rezan Sabah Ahmed

                                   Summary This study was conducted to microbiological and physiochemical study of wastewater at  Turaq village, that is  located in southwest of Erbil city, it is one of the some villages along Erbil wastewater channel irrigated their lands by […]

17-18/5/2017 WorkShop: Online Databases and their Role in Advancing Scientific Research in Higher Education

    Under the patronage of Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye president of Salahaddin University-Erbil, College of Science in cooperation with (Library and Informatics Association( and )DAR ALBURHAN( organizes an international workshop on “Online Databases and Their Role in Advancing Scientific Research in Higher Education“ on the 17th and 18th of May 2017 at college of […]

Botan Jawdat Abdullah

Abstract This study characterizes the electronic, optical, elastic, and thermal properties of bulk and nanometric Si and ZrO2 materials through first-principles and theoretical calculations. The first part of this study presents an investigation of the physical properties, such as electronic and optical, of bulk Si and nanocrystals by using the first-principles method through pseudopotential density […]

Chiman Meerkhan Jawdat

Summary           Hyperthyroidism is a thyroid disease most common among women’s, in which thyroid gland is over activated and produce too much thyroid hormone. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of hyperthyroidism on endothelin-1 (ET-1) level, hemodynamic parameters and relationship between them. Renal and liver function tests were investigated, too. Furthermore, effects […]

3rd -5th May 2017 Workshop: Principles of Forecasting with R

Upcoming Workshop:   Principles of Forecasting with R Date:- 3rd -5th May 2017 Place:- Mathematics Department, College of Science, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region-IRAQ. Sponsored by: Salahaddin University- Erbil   The registration has been halted     Instructor Bahman Rostami-Tabar Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK Email: [email protected]     Local Organizer Coordinator 1. Director, Khwazbeen […]

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