English Department Events and Activities of September, 2024.

  • Global Solutions Challenge Program Facilitator Training

A teacher from the English Department (Assistant. Lecturer Muhammad A. Aziz) participated in a two-day in-person facilitator training course for the 12th cohort of the Global Sustainable Solutions Challenge (GSSC). The training course was organized and run by IREX on September 5 and September 6, 2024, in Erbil. This program (GSSC) offers university students and technical colleges in Iraq and Jordan the opportunity to work jointly and virtually with their counterparts in the community college and university students in the U.S. on global challenges in their communities. GSSC “improves global citizenship, strengthens problem-solving skills, and develops enduring connections, while enhancing students’ job skills through online collaboration” Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge | IREX.

  • Workshop on abstract writing

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, a workshop on “Writing Abstracts in English for Academic Papers: A Linguistic Analysis” was held at Dr. Hikmat Convention Hall from 10.00 am to 12.15 pm. The objectives of the workshop, as were put in the flyer, were to assist participants write well-structured and linguistically accurate abstracts for research papers. The organizers and the presenters of the workshop were:

Prof. Dr. Himdad A. Muhammed

Asst. Prof. Dr. Dilovan S. Ghafoori

Dr. Bandar A. Muhammed


  • Training workshop on IELTS

On Thursday, September 12, 2024, Dr. Bandar A. Muhammed presented an IELTS training session at Dr. Hikmat Convention Hall at the College of Education. The session focused on IELTS question types and provided tips on how to prepare better to get the desired score. Practical exercises were also given to the participants.

  • Weekly Presentation by Asst. Prof. Zheen Hamad Amin Abdullah

A weekly presentation was given by (Asst. Prof. Zheen Hamad Amin Abdullah) on Monday, September 16, 2024, at the English Department for the teaching staff on (The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning).

This presentation focused  on “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning.” It highlighted how essential vocabulary is for effective communication and understanding, especially for students learning English as a foreign language. The presentation covered research that followed a model by Robert et al. (2019), which shows that using familiar topics can significantly improve comprehension among learners—mainly Kurdish university students. The presenter discussed how exposing students to known themes enhances their understanding and engagement in learning. The presentation also shared data on vocabulary knowledge and explored effective teaching techniques that help boost vocabulary and reading comprehension, including the benefits of explicit strategies for vocabulary learning.


  • Weekly Presentation by Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qadir Saeed

A weekly presentation was given by (Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qadir Saed) on Monday, September 23, 2024, at the English Department for the teaching staff on (Language Policies: An Interview with Bernard Spolsky). The interview was conducted by a Spanish Journal named ReVEL. The journal volume is 14, and the interview date is November 26, 2016. The interview included five basic questions about the definition of language policy. One question was, “How is it related to linguistics and public (or private) policies? Another question was about his career as a professor of Linguistics, with experiences in different countries and continents. How did he start studying Language Policy? Then, he mentioned some significant achievements in the field of Language Policies in the 20th and 21st centuries. Finally, he suggested a list of influential works (seminal and recent) in Language Policies for our readers.


  • Weekly Presentation by Dr. Rawshan Ibrahim Tahir

A weekly presentation was given by (Dr. Rawshan Ibrahim Tahir) on Monday, September 30, 2024, in the English Department for the teaching staff on (Plagiarism in Academic Writing). Plagiarism in academic writing is using someone else’s work, ideas, or words without proper acknowledgment, presenting them as one’s own. It undermines academic integrity and intellectual honesty, which are core principles of scholarly work. Plagiarism can take many forms, from directly copying text to paraphrasing ideas without credit, and it can have serious consequences, including damaged reputation, academic penalties, and legal repercussions. Proper citation of sources and originality in writing are essential to maintaining ethical standards in academic research.


  • Certificate Giving Ceremony at College of Education, Salahaddin University for English for Freelancers Course Participants

A ceremony was held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at Abdullah Haddad Convention Hall at College of Education, SUE to give certificates of completion and appreciation to the organizers, trainers and participants of “English for Freelancers” course that ran from 9 January to 16 April, 2024 at English Department. The ceremony was attended by Mr. Ben Isaac, the Deputy Director Iraq of the British Council in Erbil, the Dean of College of Education Asst. Prof. Dr. Mazn Othman, the Head of English Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Dlovan Saifulddin, a number of English department faculty members, and the English department students.

This course was organized by the British Council and College of Education of Salahaddin University jointly to offer training and instruction to the college students and fresh graduates who want to work as freelancers in a different fields such as translation, web-designing, etc. The participants took the course in a hybrid (online and face-to-face) mode for about three months.  The trainers were  two English Department trainers (Asst. Prof. Dr. Asma Abbas Brime) and (Asst. Lecturer Muhammad AbdulWahab Aziz).

Welcoming English Department Freshers

On 26th of November 2024, our first year students of both morning and evening studies have been welcomed  by the President of Salahaddin University Asst. Prof. Kamaran Younis Mohammadamin; the vice president of the university Dr  Hussein Saadi Ibrahim; the Dean of the College of Education Asst. Prof. Dr. Mazn Othman and the Head of English Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Dilovan Saifulddin Saadi and a number of English Department faculty members.  A simple booklet which has embraced information about our English was offered to the students.


Field Trip to Violence Against Women and Family Prevention Centre

English Department arranged a field trip on Tuesday 10th of Dec., 2024 for the first year students to Violence Against Women and Family Prevention Centre of KRG for attending  a session about (Electronic Challenge Against Society). Faculty members Asst. Lecturer Hero Ali and Mrs. Shahen supervised the students during the visit.  




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