1. Workshop on Teaching English and Technology: Conditions and Tools
After participating in a one-week long conference entitled (TEACHING ENGLISH IN A DIGITAL WORLD) in the UK between 9th and 15th of July, 2023. Two of our teaching staff members (Asst. Prof. Dr. Asma Abbas Brime) and (Asst. Prof. Zheen Hamad Amin Abdullah) with a group of other participants of the conference held a workshop on the university level for Salahaddin University-Erbil English language teachers on Tuesday 19th of September, 2023. The workshop was held in the library hall of College of Basic Education, and it comprised a number of sessions to both theoretically and practically show the teachers how to use the new online language tools in their lectures.
2. Participating in the 4th IWENTP (International Workshop on Education: New Trends and Prospects)
A group of English Department Teaching Staff participated in the 4th IWENT (International Workshop on Education: New Trends and Prospects) which was held at ELT Department of Faculty of Education at Tishk International University on Thursday 21st of September, 2023. The participants were introduced to the concept of “Words to Works – The Capstone Initiation in Education” both theoretically and practically. After being introduced to the significance of this concept in education and the know-how of its application in the teaching courses. The audience, in a practical groupwork brainstorming session, was divided into smaller groups based on their field of work to apply Capstone project for designing a project for the students. The team of English department of our college (College of Education) worked collaboratively to design a concept project and later presented the ideas to the whole participating audience of the workshop.