English Department Activities for January, 2025

  • Academic Skills Poster Fair

English Department held a poster fair for the evening Freshers in the department hallways on Tuesday January 14, 2025. The posters were created by the first stage students for the (Academic Skills) module under the supervision of the module leader (Dr. Bandar Abdulqahar Muhamamd). The fair was attended by the Dean of College (Asst. Prof. Dr. Mazn Abdulkhaliq Othman) and a number of English Department/Evening faculty members.

  • A Presentation session on Bologna Process for English Department Freshers

On Wednesday January 15, 2025 a presentation was given to the First Stage students at the department jointly by Asst. Prof. Dr. Dilovan Saifulddin Saadi, the Head of the Department, and Asst. Lecturer Muhammad Abdulwahab Aziz, a member of Bologna Process College Committee. The session highlighted the key elements of the system for the students. 

  • World Poetry Day

A poetry reciting event was organized by an English Department teacher (Dr. Bandar Abdulqahar Muhammad) on Tuesday, January 21, 2024 at Abdullah Haddad Convention Hall at College of Education. Poems were recited in many different languages such as Kurdish, Arabic, English, Turkish, Persian and Syriac.


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