- A weekly seminar by (Dr. Muhammad Omer Ahmad) at the English Department on (The Role of Music in Language Learning)
A weekly seminar was presented by (Dr. Muhammad Omer Ahmed) on Monday, 28th of November, 2022, at the English Department for the teaching staff on (The Role of Music in Language Learning).
A brief summary of the presentation:
There is a lot of evidence regarding the effect of music on language learning. Evidence confirms that music can play a critical role in learning a second language. However, teachers and learners should be careful when selecting music to use in class.
For example, if you are learning English for business, it would help if you listened to music that uses formal language. However, it would help if you also considered your language level. If you are a beginner, don’t search for songs that use very advanced language, as it might not help you much.
The bottom line is that music plays a critical role in learning a second language. Moreover, apart from using it for learning, it also makes the learning process more fun. So, if you are looking for English tutors for beginners, please look for ones that use music in their lessons.
- Curriculum Reform Workshop
Asst. Lecturer Muhammad Abdulwahab Aziz as a representative of the English Department, attended a 2-day workshop at Erbil International Hotel in Erbil on “Curriculum Reform” for English language teaching on Wednesday and Thursday, 14-15 December 2022, which was led by both the Ministry of Higher Education of KRG and the British Council.
- Fulbright Visiting Scholars Reunion
The American Consulate in Erbil, Iraq, held a reunion and networking conference (Fulbright Visiting Scholar Reunion) at Divan Hotel, Erbil on 9th of December, 2022. Two faculty members of our department (Dr. Asma Abbas Brim and Dr. Bandar Abdulqahar Muhammad) attended the event as Fulbrighters and Alumni of the Fulbright Visiting Scholars exchange program that gives a chance to university teachers to participate in a 10-week long exchange program in the United States.
- Weekly presentation entitled (Lifelong learning: What does it mean?)
Presentation by: Assist. Prof. Dr. Parween Shawkat
Department of English Language
College of Education
Salahaddin University
Jan. 16th, 2023
Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout an individual’s life. Learning is, therefore, part of life which takes place at all times and in all areas. It is a continuous learning process, carried on from birth to the end of our life, beginning with learning from families, communities, schools, religious institutions, workplaces, etc. It occurs through experiences encountered throughout a lifetime. Lifelong learning, also known as LLL, is the “lifelong, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. As such, it enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, competitiveness, and employability. It shares mixed connotations with other educational concepts such as Adult Education, Training, Continuous Education, Permanent Education, and other terms that relate to learning beyond the formal educational system. Lifelong learning is the use of both formal and informal learning opportunities.
- A weekly presentation by (Dr. Dilovan Sayfuddin Ghafoory) at English Department on (Morphopragmatic in Kurdish Language)
A weekly presentation was given by (Dr. Dilovan Sayfuddin Ghafoory) on Monday, 23rd of January, 2023, in English Department for the teaching staff on (Morphopragmatic in Kurdish Language).
A brief summary of the presentation:
In semantics, words have meaning, but what kind of meaning? The answer is dictionary meaning. However, when these words are used in a sentence, they may have a pragmatic meaning. It is morpho-pragmatics.
Processes of Morphopragmatics:
- Diminutive is a process of Morphopragmatics that involves a form of a word that makes something small or sometimes lessens the idea of the original word. It is due to the context. It can also show the emotional attitude of the speaker. Nouns are derived utilizing some affixes like -ette, let, -i.e., -y… It may also refer to hypocrisy.
- Augmentative
A process of morpho-pragmatics known as augmentative involves a form of a word that strengthens the original word’s meaning based on context. For example, it may be due to the individual’s psychology or geographical location. It is classified into pronunciation, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
- International Day of Education
Education is the Key to Sustainable Development
Three teachers of English Department: Assistant Lecturer Muhammad A. Aziz, Mrs. Shanaz Mohammed Asaad, and Mrs. Lanja Jalal Amin along with a group of students from the same Department attended a session on Thursday 26th of Jan., 2023 at the American Corner at the University of Kurdistan Hawler Library in Erbil, arranged in collaboration with Public Affairs of the U.S. Consulate-Erbil, commemorating the International Day of Education.
- A weekly presentation by (Dr. Arev M Astifo) at the English Department on (Integrating Teaching Strategies)
A weekly presentation was presented by (Dr. Arev M Astifo) on Monday 30th of January, 2023, in English Department for the teaching staff on (Integrating Teaching Strategies).
A brief summary of the presentation:
Success in the teaching-learning process is always attributed to the creativity of teachers. As the pilot of the classroom education flight, the teacher must choose and design a strategy that will best suit the learners’ needs. For each learning episode to be meaningful, the teacher has to consider individual differences (old) and the diversity of learners.