Phycolimnological study on some springs within Zrarati area in Erbil province, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
In this study some water parameters and algal composition of nine springs were selected for phycolimnological studies in Zrarati area within Erbil governorate from July, 2015 to June, 2016. Which is the first phycolimnological study in this area.
Air and water temperatures were ranged from 5 to 43.5 ºC and 17 to 21 ºC. Hydrogen ion concentration, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and turbidity value were ranged from 7.20 to 8.10, 341 to 597 μ, 218.2 to 382.1 mg.L-1 and 2.05 to 10.7 NTU respectively. However, total alkalinity, total acidity and total hardness were ranged between 116 and 289 mg CaCO3 L-1, 10-24.5 mg CaCO3 L-1 and 210-395 mg CaCO3 L-1 respectively.
In other hand, results of main cations and anions revealed that: calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium concentration were ranged from 58 to 96 mg.L-1, 10.17 to 30.74 mg.L-1, 3.02 to 7.50 mg.L-1 and 0.47 to 2.15 mg.L-1 respectively. The minimum level of chloride was 41 mg.L-1, while the maximum value was 102 mg.L-1, sulphate ranged from 73 to 295 mg.L-1. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) was at level of 0.075 and 0.177 meq.L-1, that means studied water samples were suitable for irrigation purpose. Moreover, the concentration of each reactive phosphorus, nitrite and nitrate were ranged from 0.44 to 3.22 µg PO4 L-1, 0.062 to 2.703 µg.NO2 L-1 and 8.28 to 21.54 mg NO3 L-1 respectively. Dissolved oxygen and Biochemical Oxygen Demand for five days were ranged between 3.3-5.8 and 0.30-2.40 mg.L-1. The Water Quality Index of selected springs was ranged from 50.99 to 72.52, which indicates a good water quality for drinking purpose because it is in accordance with the standards (range 50.1-100) of WHO (2004), while the water quality of Sarwkani, Kani Swr, Kani Garmkan, and Kani Usumaryani khwarw were approached to excellence.
In term of phycological study, a total number of 157 taxa of algal flora were identified in 63 genera, 37 families, 23 orders, 9 classes and 6 divisions, The Chlorophyta was dominant by 87 species (55.41%), followed by Bacillariophyta with 32 species (20.38%), Cyanophyta with 28 species (17.83%), Euglenophyta with 7 species (4.46%), then Chrysophyta with 2 species (1.27%) and Charophyta with 1 species (0.64%). According to Wiener or Shannon’s index the species diversity was ranged between 0.806-1.359 bits/ind at site 5 and site 6 during the studied period.
The dominant species among non diatoms were Spirogyra , Cosmarium, Oscillatoria, Oedogonium and Euglena. Among the total identified algal species, 18 species were new records to Kurdistan and Iraqi algal flora including: Eucapsis carpatica, Lyngbya anomala, Oscillatoria meslinii, Phormidium tambii, Psudoanabaena limnetica, Eudorina cylindrical, Franceia ovalis, Nephrocytium ecdysiscepanum, Sorastrum americanum, Microspora laefrenii, Bulbochaete praereticulata, Oedogonium landsboroughii, Oedogonium longatum, Oedogonium mexicamum, Spirogyra circumlineata, Zygnema sphaericum, Euglena clara and Ophiocytium cochleare.
Posted: 7/12/2016 Wednesday