Welcome to Department of Electrical Engineering. We are one of the oldest department of the College of Engineering at Salahddin University-Erbil. The faculty members are dedicated scholars committed to the advancement of knowledge. They are also dedicated lecturers of undergraduate and graduate students. Many of our faculty have graduated in the western countries, and some others from Asian countries. Our faculty members are active researchers that publish their works in major international journals and conferences. Our distinctive four-year undergraduate degree program leads to an accredited Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degree. The first and second years focus on the fundamental courses of electrical science, while the third and fourth years emphasis on the three disciplines: Electronics and Communications Engineering, Power Engineering, and Computer and Control Engineering. Each of these fields provides a specific specialist degree for undergraduate students. Our graduate program emphasizes the highest quality in graduate education and research. The main component of the program, the Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) program, prepares students for a variety of careers in research, teaching, and advanced development. The program is intimately connected to our research program and emphasizes forward-looking research fields. Also, our department offer a two-year research based Master of Science (MSc) program. Both programs are designated for multiple different areas such as Communication Engineering, Power Engineering, Computer and Control Engineering, Robotics, etc.