1- Invest in, promote, and advance research areas in three categories
-Targeted strategic areas with existing competitive advantages: energy, robotics, petroleum and geotechnical, petrochemical industries, building materials research, and clean water.
-Signature research areas to address key global challenges: biomedical engineering, clean energy, resilient infrastructure, and advanced manufacturing.
-Information technology to provide the nation with stronger foundation for all nation building activities.
2-Obtain large externally funded research centers.
3-Realize and foster a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and creative research environment.
4-Increase research productivity through building research groups.
5-Promote excellence in research by recruiting and supporting high-quality graduate students.
6-Hosting postdoctoral scholars abroad.
7-Increasing visibility of research outcomes via publishing in high impacted journals.
Departments Research Sites
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
- Department of Architectural Engineering
- Department of Software and Informatics Engineering
- Department of Gematics Engineering
- Department of Dam and Water Resources Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Pertochemical Engineering

Research at Engineering college
Currently consists of eight scientific departments, they are :
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
- Department of Architectural Engineering
- Department of Software and Informatics Engineering
- Department of Geomatics Engineering
- Department of Dam and Water Resources Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering
- 8 different department libraries
- +3000 e-books and audiovisual materials
- the e-libraray link
Research Resources at Engineering