What is the College Council and what does it do?
The College Council is the principal executive and policy-making body of the College of Engineering at Salahaddin University-Erbil. It has overall responsibility for the administration of the College, for defining its mission, for planning its work and for the management of its resources.
The Council oversees the academics progress, Quality assurance, academic and non-aademic planing, admisnistrations and relations with the buisness sector and sosciety.
Who is on the Council?
The Council comprises the Dean (Who chairs) , the Vice-Dean , the eight heads of scientific departments, the director of scientific and postgraduate affairs, the Registrary, a representative of academic staff and a representative of student.
College council members
Prof. Dr. Shuokr Qarani Aziz (The Dean)

Mr.Danar Hassan Talabani (The Vice Dean)

Prof. Dr. Yousif Mawlood (Head of Civil Department)

Assistant Prof. Dr. Jalil Aziz Hamadamin (Head of Electrical Engineering Department)

Ramadhan Hussein Gardi (Head of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering Department)

Dr. Salahaddin Yasin (Head of Architectural Engineering Department)

Dr. Salar Jamal (Head of Software & Informatics Engineering Department)

Assist. prof. Dr.Khalil Karim Hamadamin(Head of Dams & Water Resources Department)
Dr. Danar Talabani (Head of Geomatics Engineering Department)

Asst.Prof.Dr. Mohammed Jawdat Barzanjy (Head of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Department)
iyd Eqqab Maree (Head of Aviation Engineering Department

Secretary of the Council
1- Mrs. Kurdistan Muhammed Ameen
2. Mrs. Shno