Registration is the systematic process that reserves seats in particular classes for eligible students. It is accomplished by following the procedures announced in advance of each term’s registration period.
Enrollment is the completion of the registration process and affords the full rights and privileges of student status. It is accomplished by the payment or other satisfaction of tuition and fees and by the satisfaction of other obligations to the University.
Registration alone does not guarantee enrollment, nor does registration alone guarantee the right to participate in a class. In some cases, students need to obtain the approval of the instructor or of a representative of the department offering the course. In other cases, students may be required to attend the first few class sessions prior to official registration or to confirm official registration. Please check the course information in the Departments, Programs, and Courses section of this Bulletin and the registration instructions contained in the Directory of Classes for all of the approvals required.
According to University regulations, each person who completes registration is considered a student of the University during the term for which they register, unless the student’s connection with the University is officially severed by withdrawal or otherwise. No student registered or enrolled in any school/college of the University shall at the same time be registered or enrolled in any other school/college, either of the University or of any other institution, without specific authorization from the dean/director of the school/college in which he or she is first registered.
The privileges of the University are not available to any student until they have completed registration. Typically, a student who is not officially registered for a University course may not attend the course; however, some courses may require students to attend the first few class sessions prior to official registration. Students are expected to register for courses during the time periods explicitly identified by the Office of the Registrar, and may be required to obtain written consent of a faculty member or of the Committee on Academic Standing to register at any time during an academic term.
Students are held accountable for absences incurred owing to late enrollment. The University reserves the right to withhold the privilege of registration or any other University privilege from any person with an unpaid debt to the University.