College of Engineering is using latest technologies for it’s entrance and employees daily attendance, for more info. please contact IT Unit, Engineering Consultant Bureau, near to engineering Main entrance or email us: [email protected]
What is RFID?
Radio-frequency identification uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader’s interrogating radio waves.
Parking Car Barrier with RFID Reader
Engineering college is using Parking Car Barrier for their employees and teachers in order to enter their cars inside college and this is not allowed for students to enter their cars inside college which there is a parking area for them out side college
ZKTeco TS2022 Tripod Turnstile with Controller and RFID Reader
College of Engineering in using Turnstile in order to get enter inside college
Bio-metric iFace device
College of Engineering using Bio-metric iFace device in order to take their employees attendance.
instructions and regulations
1. Employees and Students should bring there RFID cards with themselves everyday and use it in order to enter into college.
2. Employees should use the card in a proper way for check-in and check-out, otherwise he/she will be responsible for not attending to work or maybe considered as an absent.
3. Those Employees who forgot to bring their cards with themselves, they should write their presence on paper which in the reception room.
4. In case when the Card lost the person of concern should write a justification letter which needed to be signed by the head of department and after that take it to the office of dean which needed to be signed by the dean of college and finally take it to an IT unit which is located in Consultant Bureau and the process of printing the card and entering into system may take less than 15 minutes and the tax included.
5. In case when the Card damaged or not working the person of concern should bring his/her card within himself/herself to IT Unit in order to see the problem and print a new card for him/her also the process may take less than 15 minutes.
6. For those employees who couldn’t check-in or check-out within car barrier entrance or reception turnstile entrance they should do the check-in or check-out within iFace devices which is existed in the office of dean and, otherwise they do not need to do that.
7. For those employees when they come to work with rented or somebody else car they don’t have to use their card by other person in order to go out they should use their card once for check-in when they enter to college, otherwise that considered as a check-out and that will affect their attendance time for those who have this issue can easily come to IT unit in order to make for them a temporary card.
8. For employees who want a leave they should fill out a leave request, otherwise he/she will be considered as an absent.