Laser Eye Surgery’ The seminar in Chemistry Dept.


In chemistry department/ college of education, in the presence the head of department and chemistry staff , the seminar was presented under the title ‘Laser Eye Surgery’ The seminar presented by Lec. Rezan  Ali Salih. , which was held on Sunday, 4 November 2018.

Seminar started with the laser surgery review. Laser is an intense beam of light. In surgery, one type of laser can be used to create heat energy, and another can be used to cut or sculpt. Ophthalmologist often use laser in surgery to treat certain eye problems, including glaucoma, macular degeneration and to correct vision problems such as near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism. Laser eye surgery has advantage over other types of surgery. With some laser procedure, there is much less risk of infection from the laser light. Also, it offers the surgeon greater control and more precision than a surgical knife. And with laser procedures you can go home sooner and recover more quickly. Like any surgery, however, there are risks of side effects and complications. t the end of the seminar, the discussion was opened

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