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رێكخستنى خۆرك و كۆنترۆلكردنى كێش

له‌ رۆژى دووشه‌ممه‌ به‌روارى 16/11/2018 سيمينارى (رێكخستنى خۆرك و كۆنترۆلكردنى كێش) ئه‌نجام درا له‌لايه‌ن به‌رێز پ.ى.م.هيوا محمد اسماعيل.  بابه‌ته‌كه‌ په‌يوه‌ندى هه‌بوو به‌ جۆره‌كانى جه‌سته‌ى مرۆڤ و چۆنيه‌تى مامه‌ڵه‌كردن له‌گه‌ڵ جه‌سته‌ى خۆت و دياريكردنى پێكهاته‌كانى جه‌سته‌ له‌ رووى چه‌ورى و ماسولكه‌ و ئێسك, هه‌روه‌ها پێكهاته‌ سه‌ره‌كيه‌كانى خۆراك و چۆنيه‌تى رێكخستنى خۆراكى رۆژانه‌ روونكرايه‌وه‌ چۆنيه‌تى كاريگه‌رى به‌رزبوونه‌وه‌ى رێژه‌ى كۆلسترۆل دياريكرا. […]

سيمينارێك له‌ به‌شى فيزيك‎

Health risk of teaching and how to avoid them له رۆژى دووشه‌مممه‌ ‌به‌روارى 12/11/ 2018 مامۆستاى ياريده‌ده‌ر (ئيسراء محمود محمد) هه‌ڵسا به‌ ئه‌نجامدانى سيمينارێك له‌ به‌شى فيزيك به‌ ناونيشانى (كاريگه‌ريه ته‌ندروستيه‌‌كانى وانه‌ووتنه‌وه‌و و چۆنيه‌تى خۆپاراستن لێ ى). سيميناره‌كه‌ په‌يوه‌ندى هه‌بوو له‌ هه‌ندێك كاريگه‌رى نه‌رێنى ته‌ندروستنى ووانه‌ ووتنه‌وه‌ له‌سه‌ر جه‌سته‌ و ده‌روونى وانه‌بێژ كه‌ رۆژانه‌ به‌ر […]

سمیناری (التنمر والعنف)

.به‌ ئاماده‌بووني مامۆستاياني به‌شي رينمايي په‌روه‌رده‌يي و ده‌روونيه‌كان له‌ به‌رواري 13/11/2018 سیمناري به‌شه‌كه‌مان له‌لایه‌ن به‌ڕێز: پ.ی.د.محمد محی الدین صادق پێشكه‌شكرا به‌ناونیشانی(التنمر والعنف) له‌وسیمناره‌دا به‌ريزيان تیشكی خسته‌سه‌ر لايه‌نه‌كاني هه‌لسان به‌ئه‌نجامداني كاري توندوتيژي و تنمر هه‌روه‌ها ئاماژه‌دان به‌ جۆره‌كاني توندووتيژي و په‌رگيري و كاريگه‌ري راسته‌وخۆيان به‌ كۆمه‌ڵگا و ژينگه‌ي فيركرن و چۆنيه‌تي ئه‌نجامداني رێوشويني زانستي و دروسست […]

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Weekly Seminar in English Language Dept.

A weekly seminar on Tuesday, November the 13th, 2018, was presented by Dr. Muhammad Omer Ahmed at the English Department for the teachers on “how to stay fit and healthy”. The seminar focused specifically on the importance of all three meals of the day and on scientific grounds refuted the idea of skipping one or […]

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Seminar in English Language Dept.

On Wednesday 14th of November, 2018 Asst. Lecturer Dastan Abdullah Saed presented a seminar on “How to be an Enterprenuer” to College of Education students in Abdullah Hadad Hall that focused on some important points and tips for being an entrepreneur. The seminar also explained the process of entrepreneurship by giving some practical examples. Finally, […]

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Markedness in English

Title of the seminar: Markedness in English Date: 06.11.2018 Place: English Department A weekly presentation was given by the Head of English Department, Dr. Dilovan Sayfuddin Ghafoory, at the department on 6th of November, 2018 for teachers on “Markedness in English”, that is a principle of human language which has been discovered by the Prague […]

Seminar In Chemistry Dept.

In date 11/11/2018, Chemistry Department/ college of education, in the presence the head of department and Chemistry staff, the held a seminar titled “Fatty acid composition of commercial Plant Oils by using FT-IR and GC-MS’’, delivered by Mr.Salim N. Saber.as a part of its Ph.D Dissertation.  Seminar started With review on fatty acids and evaluate […]

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