Civil Engineering Department

Civil Engineering Department

College of Engineering started with the Civil Engineering Department only in the academic year 1968-1969 in Suleimania city of Iraqi Kurdistan, during the same year, a total of (44) students were registered. Civil Engineering Department offers a four years B.Sc in engineering. Postgraduate studies of two years (M.Sc) in different fields of Civil Engineering (Structures, Hydraulics, and Highways) commenced in the academic year 1976-1977. Postgraduate studies extended leading to a Ph.D. degree in Structural Engineering.

Head of Department 

One of the nine departments of Salahaddin University’s college of engineering is the civil engineering department. The department was established together with Salahaddin University in Sulaimani in 1968, making it the oldest department still in operation. The department remained in Sulaimani until 1981, when it relocated to Erbil (Capital of Kurdistan Region) as part of the College of Engineering-Salahaddin University. Numerous hundreds to thousands of civil engineers have graduated from this prestigious university’s core program. Due to their contributions to society, this department and university have also prospered.

The department has evolved with the times in a distinct way probably due to the identification of various important specialties in the field of civil engineering. The department provides a four-year civil engineering bachelor’s degree. As well as master’s and doctoral’s degrees in a variety of civil engineering fields (structures, materials, hydraulics, water supply, and waste management, geotechnics, transportation, and construction management),

Civil engineering is a rewarding and challenging profession. The primary goals of the civil engineer are building and maintaining our culture’s physical infrastructure, as well as using and preserving natural resources for the advancement of humanity.

Buildings, bridges, highways, airports, dams, water supply systems, and waste management systems are just a few examples of the types of civil infrastructure projects that civil engineers supervise, manage, and plan in a technical manner. From this perspective, our department of civil engineering has chosen to transition from the Course System to the Bologna Process to develop its educational process. This was approved by the ministry of higher education which has been started in the academic year 2019–2020, for the first level at which undergraduate students can choose the courses in the field of their interest to allow a unified and all-around growth of their areas of specialization. Through internship and project programs, we try to connect the civil department with local construction projects in our region in a manner that is also consistent with recent global developments in higher education and facilitates student mobility. We also aim to increase the employability of the graduates.

This website is the window through which the facilities and possibilities offered by the department are meant to be viewed.

 Prof. DR. Yousif Ismael Mawlood

Department of Civil Engineering

College of Engineering-Salahaddin University

Erbil-Kurdistan Region-Iraq

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact No. +964-750-4608420


The mission of the Department of Civil Engineering is to provide quality education to prepare nationally competitive undergraduate students for a successful career in civil engineering; to provide advanced skills and knowledge in state-of-the-art research and design in sub-areas of civil engineering for graduate students; and to provide service to the university, engineering profession, and the public. The objectives are:
1-To ensure that graduates will have a mastery of fundamental knowledge, problem-solving skills, engineering experimental abilities, and design capabilities necessary for entering civil engineering career and/or graduate school.
2-To produce graduates that have the knowledge and skills necessary for identifying and assessing design alternatives and the related social, economic, environmental, and public safety impacts.
3-To produce graduates who have verbal and written communication skills necessary for successful professional practice.
4-To prepare graduates to function effectively on teams.
5-To prepare graduates for professional licensure, leadership roles, and life-long learning.


The Department of Civil Engineering will try to develop internationally prominent educational and research programs to ensure sustainable prosperity and quality of life.
The department will also excel in undergraduate and graduate instruction, research in all sub-areas of civil engineering, and service to the public consistently. The Department will make significant contributions to the social development of the region and nation, through our leadership in engineering education.

Academic Staff

List of all study program modules -2022-2023

Core Modules

No Code Module Name (course, subject) Hours/week Credits Prerequisite Recommended Semester
Lecture Practical Tutorial
1 101 General English I Core 2 2 5 1
2 103 Information Technology Core 2 2 5 1
3 102 General English II Core 2 2 5 2
4 104 Academic Debate Core 4 5 1
5 105 Kurdology Core 4 4 1
6 1106 Engineering Mechanics-I Core 3 1 5 2
7 107 Mathematics I Core 3 1 5 1
8 106 Engineering Drawing Core 4 3 1
9 1107 Engineering Geology Core 2 3 1
10 1108 Engineering Mechanics-II Core 3 1 5 Engineering Mechanics-I 3
11 108 Mathematics II Core 3 1 5 Mathematics I 2
12 1109 Engineering Drawing & Descriptive Geometry Core 2 2 5 2
13 1110 Construction Materials Core 2 2 5 2
14 109 Mathematic-III Core 3 1 5 Meathematic-II 3
15 1112  Surveying Core 2 3 1 6 3
16 1113 Concrete technology Core 2 2 5 3
17 1114 Construction Engineering Core 3 1 5 3
18 1116 Mechanics of materials Core 3 1 5 Engineering Mechanics-II 4
19 1117 Fluid Mechanics Core 2 2 1 5 4
20 1118 Management and Economy Core 3 5 4
21 1119 Statistics Core 2 1 4 2
22 1121 Reinforced Concrete Core 3 1 5 Mechanics of materials 5
23 1122 Structural Analysis Core 3 1 5 Mechanics of materials 5
24 1123 Soil Mechanics Core 3 1 1 5 4
25 1124 Highway Engineering Core 2 2 1 5 5
26 1125  Engineering Hydrology Core 3 1 5 5
27 111 Engineering Analysis Core 3 1 5 Mathematics III 4
28 1126 Water Supply Engineering Core 3 1 1 5 5
29 1127 Traffic Engineering Core 3 1 5 5
30 1134 Foundation Engineering Core 3 1 5 Soil Mechanics 7
31 1135 Reinforced Concrete structure design Core 3 1 5 Reinforced Concrete 7
32 1129 Project Core 12 8 Fixed
33 1130 Internship Core 18 8 Fixed
Total Credit of Cores 180

Elective Modules

No Code Module Name (course, subject) Hours/week Credits Prerequisite semester
Lecture Practical Tutorial
1 1131 Environmental  Engineering Elective 3 1 5
2 1132 Construction methods Elective 3 1 5
3 1133 Hydraulic structures Elective 3 1 5 Fluid Mechanics
4 1136 Steel design Elective 3 1 5 Mechanics of materials
5 1137 Civil Drawing-CAD Elective 2 2 5
6 1138 Matrix Analysis of Structures Elective 3 1 5 Structural Analysis
7 1139 Structural dynamic Elective 3 1 5 Structural Analysis
8 1140 Design of Reinforce Concrete Bridge Elective 3 1 5 Reinforced Concrete
9 1141 Masonry Engineering Elective 3 1 5
10 1142 Pavement Design and Performance Elective 2 2 1 5 Highway Engineering
11 1143 Airport or railway Engineering Elective 3 1 5 Highway Engineering
12 1144 Ground Improvement techniques Elective 3 1 5 Soil Mechanics
13 1145 Geotechnical Engineering Elective 3 1 5 Soil Mechanics
14 1146 Ground water Engineering Elective 3 1 5 Engineering Hydrology
15 1147 Waste water engineering Elective 3 1 1 5 Water Supply Engineering
16 1148 Sustainability in Civil Engineering Elective 3 1 5
17 1149 Quantity surveying and estimation Elective 3 1 5
18 1150 Concrete Construction Engineering Elective 3 1 5
19 1151 Irrigation Engineering Elective 3 1 5
20 1152 Computer Application Elective 2 2 5
21 1153 Prestressed Concrete Elective 3 1 5 Reinforced concrete
Total Credit of Electives 105

Department Facilities

2- Library 

3-Teaching Halls

4- Rizgary Hall

5- Raparin Hall

6- Siminar Hall


Provided below are some resources that fourth year students can use for their final year project:

News & Activitis

گفتوگۆی تێزی دکتۆرای قوتابی (ھێمن قادر احمد) لە بەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی تاووتوێ کرا
تاووتوێکردنی ماستەر نامەی قوتابی خوێندنی باڵا(مھند محسین یوسف)لەبەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی بەشێوەی پارالێل
لەبەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی دامەزرا (SUE ACI stuent chapter) چاپتەری
ئەنجامدانی سیمینارێک لەلایەن بەڕێز(د.سنان عبدالخالق)ماموستا لەبەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی
گفتوگۆی تێزی دکتۆرای قوتابی(یوسف اسماعیل مولود) لە بەشی شارستانی کۆلێژی ئەندازیاری سازکرا
تاووتوێکردنی ماستەرنامەی قوتابی خوێندنی باڵا(امید عبدالستار عزیز) لەبەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی
تاووتوێکردنی ماستەرنامەی قوتابی خوێندنی باڵا(عماد علی عمر) بەشێوەی پارالێل لەبەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی
تاووتوێکردنی ماستەرنامەی قوتابی خوێندنی باڵا(دیار ناظم حسن) بەشێوەی پارالێل لەبەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی
تاووتوێکردنی ماستەرنامەی قوتابی خوێندنی باڵا(سالار سالح محمد)بەشێوەی پارالێل لەبەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی
تاووتوێکردنی ماستەر نامەی قوتابی خوێندنی باڵا(عیماد رەشید مصطفی)بەشێوەی پارالیل لەبەشی ئەندازیاری شارستانی