General Specialization: Architecture
Specific Specialization: Environment, Energy saving and Architecture Design
1989-1994 I worked as architecture student in several Architecture offices in Berlin-Germany
1995 As architect by Architecture office Prof. Juergen Boeker in Berlin-Germany
1996 As architect by Schwoerer building industry in Blumberg – Berlin-Germany
1997 As architect by Architecture office of Schwoerer Rigkamm in Berlin-Germany
1997-1998 Qualification in CAD-Programs (see FURTHER EDUCATION)
1998-2002 Self-employment as Architect in:
Architecture office ASA-ARCHITECTS and
Construction office: AKO-BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION in Berlin-Germany
2003 Architect at the architectural office of Prof. Juergen Boeker in Berlin-Germany
2004 Residing in Arbil – Kurdistan Region – Iraq
2004-2005 Self-employment as office head in Bano-Architecture office in Arbil-Kurdistan
2005-2006 As architect by Zueblin international GmbH in Arbil, Kurdistan-Region, Iraq
2006-2013 Working as a free architect in Berlin-Germany, beside my PhD thesis
Design of German – Kurdish Private Hospital in Duhok – Iraq, constructed.
17.07.2006 Registration of the promotion intention and beginning of the dissertation work at
the faculty of Planning-Building-Environment (Architecture Department),
TU-Berlin – Germany.
09.06.2010 Academic discussion and the completion of the doctoral thesis/ PhDs Degree in
Architecture/ Climate & Energy Responsive Architecture Designer.
2013-to date Lecturer in Architecture Department/ College of Engineering/
Salahaddin University/ Arbil – Kurdistan Region – Iraq

- Department of architecture College of Engineering Salahaddin University - Erbil Kurdistan Region, Iraq
- 00964 750 52 52 762
- [email protected]