Geomatics (Surveying) Engineering department is one of the main departments in the college of engineering at University of Salahaddin. It has been established on September 2009. Geomatics engineering is the modern term for surveying engineering, which is considered as a rapidly developing engineering discipline that focuses on spatial information. The given courses in this engineering branch will provide the student the ability for gathering, measuring, and archiving geospatial data for the earth from ground or space. Geomaticions plays an important role in different engineering fields either in mapping or construction. For instance, the careers that Geomatics engineer can be involved are: mapping, urban planning, land surveying, satellite image processing, GIS Analysis and map production, and others. The studying in this branch will be over four academic years, afterward the graduated student will get a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Geomatics (Surveying) engineering from College of Engineering – University of Salahaddin.
Head of Geometics (Surveying) Engineering

Geomatics is a field that incorporates several others such as the older field of land surveying engineering along with many other aspects of spatial data management ranging from data science and cartography to geography. Following the advanced developments in digital data processing, the nature of the tasks required of the professional land surveyor has evolved significantly in recent years. As our societies become more complex, information with a spatial position associated with it becomes more critical to decision-making, both from a personal and a business perspective, and also from a community and a large-scale governmental viewpoint.
Geomatics engineers utilize a wide range of technologically advanced tools such as digital theodolite/distance meter total stations, Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment, digital aerial imagery (both satellite and air-borne), and computer-based geographic information systems (GIS). These tools enable the geomatics engineer to gather, process, analyze, visualize and manage spatially related information to solve a wide range of technical and societal problems.
The aim of geomatics engineering is; the development and use of various spatial techniques based on modern technology to better understand, plan, organize, monitor and manage the earth we live in, the production of various maps and spatial data / information for the needs of the country (planning, property, defense etc.) and determining precise position (horizontal and vertical) of any kind of space or land related to the earth.